
1. any of the heavenly bodies, except the moon, appearing as fixed luminous points in the sky at night.

verb (used with object)
1. thank one's lucky stars, to acknowledge one's good fortune; be grateful.


1. union of the self with the Supreme Being or ultimate principle.


pacific city, oregon

pacific city, oregon

Thursday, July 14, 2011

new hatha flow class

i'm adding a new class to my schedule

wednesdays 7pm
hatha flow
@ sprout pdx on hawthorne (

come check out sprout

it's donation based yoga, so if you pay $10 a class....that's like whoa!
in class, we'll be flowing a little, working on alignment and depth in postures and then round it out with restorative body loving shapes at the end

love, love, love to have you in class

Friday, July 8, 2011

freedom from fear

“advertising is based on one thing: happiness. and do you know what happiness is? happiness is the smell of a new car. it's freedom from fear. it's a billboard on the side of a road that screams with reassurance that whatever you're doing is OK. you are OK.”
– don draper

Friday, July 1, 2011

a thin veil

"reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." - albert einstein

on the way to teach a yoga class yesterday i sat in my car, patiently at a light, and made a phone call to my sister. i used my ear buds, but lifted the phone up to find her number. a stranger began yelling at me from her post on the sidewalk. she was very upset that i was talking on my phone, hands free, while sitting at a traffic light. it occurred to me as she began to cross the intersection, while flipping me off, yelling and pointing at me, that she knew nothing about me, or what the circumstances/constraints were that encouraged me to be on the phone. at the same time, i knew nothing about her, or what the circumstances/constraints were that encouraged her to yell at me about being on the phone.

as i attempted to practice ahimsa (nonviolence), i was still confused as to was this really happening? was this a really good example of the quote above? did this woman create a story about me, and then began by casting judgements? it was amazing to see how different our realities were in that 45 seconds before her feet hit the sidewalk and the light turned green. i took in a deep breath as her screams faded out into the daylight.